Guido Silvestri, MD

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Research Interests:
Since 1993, Dr. Silvestri has been involved in studies of AIDS pathogenesis, prevention, and therapy, mostly using non-human primate models of SIV and SHIV infection, with particular focus on comparative studies of pathogenic and non-pathogenic primate lentiviral infections. Dr. Silvestri is currently the principal investigator of several NIH grants, including an R37 MERIT award, and he is involved in both the Consortium for AIDS vaccine studies in non-human primates, the Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI), and the CARE collaboratorium for AIDS cure research. Dr. Silvestri has authored or co-authored 225 peer-reviewed publications in this field, including some in the highest impact journals (Cell, Science, Nature, Nature Medicine, etc), as well as two books. He has given invited lectures at >100 different institutions and seminar series in 25 different countries. His work has been quoted >18,000 times, and has been presented in plenary sessions at all the major HIV/AIDS conferences worldwide. Dr. Silvestri is an Editor of the Journal of Virology, an Associate Editor of PLoS Pathogens, and a past-Editor of the Journal of Immunology. He also serves in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Infectious Diseases. He served as Chairman or Standing Member in >50 study sections and advisory committees at the National Institutes of Health, the Canadian Institute for Health Research, the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche sur le SIDA, the American Foundation for AIDS Research, the Australian Medical Research Council, the European Commission, and various others. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), of the International AIDS Society Scientific Working Group on HIV Cure, and will be Co-Chair of the 9th International AIDS Conference in Paris, July 2017.